Thursday, 27 March 2008

Reviews: "The Werewolf" (1956) + "The Man and the Monster" (1959)

So I've come up with this new concept of doing 'double feature' werewolf movie reviews, which may help me get through this insane backlog of unwatched movies a bit quicker.

Tonights theme is werewolf movies from the fifties, starting with The Werewolf (1956) and then a brief trip across the border to find "El Hombre y el Monstrou", otherwise known as The Man and the Monster (1959). What have I learnt from watching these two movies? Primarily, never trust scientists or pianists. Or the devil.


Anonymous said...

i watched the werewolf as a new release back in the day, and have never forgotten it. it was both startling and aluring. recently, cable showed it over several nights and i was amazed at the empathy and compassion the nurse, the doctor and other characters had towards the inflicted man. it was actually a subtly moving film.
not 1st rate acting, but earnest acting. a good movie on many levels.

John Guzlowski said...

I saw it when it was first released too. It was everything you said. I still think of it as one of the great horror films of the 50s.