Thursday, 27 March 2008

Reviews: "The Werewolf" (1956) + "The Man and the Monster" (1959)

So I've come up with this new concept of doing 'double feature' werewolf movie reviews, which may help me get through this insane backlog of unwatched movies a bit quicker.

Tonights theme is werewolf movies from the fifties, starting with The Werewolf (1956) and then a brief trip across the border to find "El Hombre y el Monstrou", otherwise known as The Man and the Monster (1959). What have I learnt from watching these two movies? Primarily, never trust scientists or pianists. Or the devil.

Review : "Werewolf Women of the SS" fake trailer

I've finally got round to reviewing Rob Zombie's fake trailer for Werewolf Women of the SS, created as part of Tarantino's "Grindhouse" project.

I'll get back to reviewing real movies soon, I promise. Maybe a Howling VI review from TheDamnedThing will keep you happy in the meantime.

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Wolf Blood screencaps

I've added some new decent-quality screencaps to my review of Wolf Blood (1925), still probably the earliest obtainable werewolf movie. They don't make 'em like they used to, you know ...

Also, check this Empire Online interview for more info on the new Wolf Man movie.

Friday, 21 March 2008

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Meet the Wolf Man!

Heeere's wolfie! The creators of the new Wolf Man movie have finally given us a look at Benicio Del Toro all dolled up as the Wolf Man. Verdict? Well, I'll let you decide for yourself. They've definitely stayed pretty close to the original design, but also given a nice fresh edge to it. I reckon good ol' Jack Pierce would probably crap himself if he saw this. See more of the Wolf Man and read an interview with makeup artist Rick Baker over at Entertainment Weekly.

I've had a bit of a backlog of submitted reviews lately, so there's a bunch of new ones from the likes of Brandon, LupaLover, Christine, Steven522, SilverWolf, MrDragon811 and MetalVixen. I also still have a couple of your recommendations still to post so please bear with me on that.

Saturday, 1 March 2008

Review : "Wild Country" + updates

Have a review of Wild Country, a nice low-budget Scottish werewolf movie presumably inspired by Dog Soldiers. I've been a bit lazy lately, which means I have a backlog of about fifty werewolf movies lying around that I need to review. No exaggeration. Maybe I should overdose on coffee and stay up for a hundred-hour werewolf movie marathon. Or not ...

I also have a handful of upcoming movies to add. For now I thought I'd let you know that Animals has a teaser trailer which you can watch here, and the long-awaited Guardians of Luna has been given a whole new look and now promises a feature-length pilot, but still no word on when it will come to air. Joe Johnston is the new director for The Wolf Man, which has been pushed back yet again to May next year but should finally begin filming in London sometime this month.

Jack and Diane, which you may remember as that weird upcoming lesbian movie featuring the young "Juno" stars Ellen Page and Olivia Thirlby, has been pushed back to 2010 and it looks likely that Page may have dropped out. What, lesbian werewolf roles too good for you now that your an oscar nominee? Tsk!