I hate the whole concept of new years resolutions. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong the idea of wanting to change your life and do the things you should be doing ... but the tradition itself is all based around this depressing notion that come the following December, you will have fallen back into your old habits. The inevitability of human nature.
Having said that a new decade must be worth at least one resolution, right?
Werewolf-Movies.com has been alive for about five and a half years. It doesn't feel like that long. I had to do a whois lookup to try and find the date I registered the domain, and sure enough there it is; June 2004.
In its early days, it used to look something like this:

It was a plain HTML website that used frames, but it did boast much the same level of content that it does now. In June 2007 I made the decision to redesign the site and build it into a functioning PHP database. The end result of that is what you see now.
The site gets hundreds of visitors every day. 63.51% of visitors come here through a simple Google search for 'werewolf movies'. Curiously, the most visitors the site has ever had in a single day was on last Halloween.
As you can see, it hasn't been updated in quite a while. This isn't the first time I have disappeared from maintaining the site for months on end. Werewolf movies were an obsession of mine for a long time, but I have a habit of getting distracted by my various other obsessions.
But that's what resolutions are for, right?
I have begun the process of inputting all the visitor reviews that have been submitted over the past year or so. There are a lot. If any of yours end up getting missed, either they were lost in the spam or they were ineligible for some reason.
Once that's all up to date, I'll be working on bringing the other areas of the site up to speed.